Electric Dreams owner Scott Bader and I, along with the entire Electric Dream Team, would like to congratulate all the entrants for the quality of preparation of their cars. Indeed, not only did [...]
Monogram actually came a lot closer to getting its reborn Lola T70 right than you might think at first glance or even a first drive. All the right pieces are there so you have to wonder why the [...]
Many slot car hobbyists have asked whether the Scalextric C8332 Dunlop Bridge and its predecessors, including the now-discontinuedC641 Goodyear Bridge, can be used on a 4-lane track. The bridge [...]
Rob Ambrose of Glendale, Arizona, sent in this kandy blue entry. Modifications include bronze bushings, Fly Racing hollow axle and crown gear, Fly Evo 2 wheels and tires and chassis bottom ground [...]
There isn't an RTR slot car on the market that doesn't have a lot of potential for increasing its performance. But where do you start to unlock all that potential? We get a lot of e-mails and [...]
Scalextric slot cars were initially created in the 1950s by British firm Minimodels. The company had in 1952 introduced a range of clockwork powered race car systems called Scalex, which were [...]
We all know there are lots of not-so-well designed slot cars on the market. I'm not talking about the common gripes, such as knurled axles and press-on plastic wheels, too-delicate wings and [...]