In Slot Car News

Electric Dreams News

June 15, 2007

New Fly cars in stock:

88258 Fly Audi Quattro A2, Safari Rally, 1984, 64.99

88260 Fly Saleen S7R, Spa 1000 km, ELMS, $64.99

Driven by Stephane Ortelli and Soheil Ayari in the European LeMans Series.

88261 Fly Porsche 911S, Monte Carlo Rally, 1980, $64.99

88262 Fly Ford Capri kit with extra accessories, $74.99

SC6002 MRRC Toyota GT1 #3, Esso Ultron, $69.99

This is the Proslot Toyota GT1 body on a new chassis developed by MRRC.

Wanted! Articles for our web site!

Are you someone who is seriously (or even casually) into 1/32 scale or 1/24 scale home or club racing and likes to write about it? If you are, the Electric Dream Team wants you! We’re looking for original, unpublished articles on all kinds of slot car racing subjects, including:

  • Technical articles on slot car and track maintenance
  • Car hopups, scratchbuilding, or kitbashing, including photo galleries of the cars you have built or modified
  • Track design and construction, both plastic sectional tracks and scratchbuilt tracks, plus articles on scenery, structures, wiring, and storage/portability considerations.
  • Race management and organization
  • Digital racing systems
  • Vintage slot cars and racing (60s and 70s era)
  • Product reviews and comparisons.
  • And any other subject related to slot car racing you think we might be interested in, particularly if it relates to something we sell.

Don’t be too concerned if you’re not a polished writer. All you need to be able to do is to get your ideas into words as clearly as you can and take usable digital photos to illustrate what you write. We have a top-grade editor who can turn your work into professional-quality prose and you get to take all the credit. (We won’t tell anybody how much massaging your work may have taken.) We’ll work with you to turn out interesting, highly readable articles for the visitors to our site to enjoy and learn from.

If you would like to try writing for us, please send your name, contact information, article ideas, and a sample of your writing, or your complete article, to For each of your articles we publish on our web site we’ll give you a free slot car, and when we publish your first article we’ll also give you a free Electric Dream Team T-shirt.

Thanks to all our customers for shopping with us.

Scott and the Electric Dream Team

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