This episode features the legendary and ever so humble Keith Tanaka. Keith has been racing since the 60's. He took a bit of a hiatus - but is really one of the "old timers" who are responsible [...]
This episode features Stephen Farr-Jones of the Farrout Slot Racing Club. Interestingly enough, the event was masterminded by Stephen & the Farrout Slot Racing Club.
So how did a Slot Car Exhibit make it into the Peterson Auto Museum any way? One way is to make it a charitable event. Here in the very first episode of Slot Cars at the Peterson, we chat with [...]
We've just discovered that the slot car exhibit at the Peterson Auto Museum has received coverage online from Road and Track Magazine! We couldn't be more excited. Thanks to the news getting out, [...]
Cool coverage of Slot Cars and our friends at the FARROUT Slot Car Racing Club. The story features Bruce Talamon and Stephen Farr Jones from the Farrout club.
Slot cars are rolling into the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles on Saturday. The Farrout Slot Car Club and the museum are hosting an event from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. to raise money for the [...]
We've been working on completing the modular scenery for our track. The layout is built on standard office tables of various lengths arranged to fit the shape of the layout. The scenery is [...]
We like the looks of the Carrera 27134 Mustang, but it could use some help in the handling department. Well, as it happens, we had a set of wheels and tires from a Scalextric Ferrari F430 lying [...]
The Porsche 936 is one of my favorite LeMans cars. When Spirit introduced their 1/32 scale 936s I was really looking forward to racing them with my race-tuned and modified Fly classic Ferraris, [...]
One of the coolest is a top-view racing game, where you lay the iPad on a table, but more Apple hardware is required. To control the game, each player (up to four) uses an iPhone or iPod Touch, [...]
At the Reef's weekly Slot Car Mondays, scale is everything. Not just the scale of the cars, which is your standard Matchbox-size HO, but the size of the track itself: more than 100 feet, arranged [...]