Slot It SICA47A Nissan Skyline GT-R n.23 1st Macau 1990 'Castrol'
This new car inlcudes two black plastic triangular plates in the box. calls them "sliders" because they are designed to fit under the front corners of the chassis to limit the amount the car can tilt or lean through tight corners to try to keep the pickup blade in the slot.

The Nissan Skyline R32 is produced with the same mechanical part as the DTM 21k 'black' inline engine, 15.8mm wheels. Although it is not a DTM model, it must be said that in 1991 the Skyline ran (and won) in Macau against the Mercedes 190 DTM. In fact, therefore, there is evidence that the Skyline and the DTMs of the Stuttgart company met on the track.
The body weighs 20g, and the interlocking interior, like the most recent models, can be removed and replaced without any effort, reaching a weight of about 15g if a thermoformed interior is used. The chassis is designed to directly accommodate the universal 'type C' chip (oXigen / Scalextric SSD / Carrera D132) or the new digital chip for Carrera D132; besides, the motor wiring comes with a connector that allows you to mount the digital chips without having to resort to any soldering (our future digital chips will be also made with this type of connector). Inside the package, as an optional to be assembled on the chassis, there are two 'whiskers' to improve the support of the front of the model when cornering.