The in-car microprocessor module allows the conversion of a standard analog slot car to work on Sport Digital systems. Most Scalextric cars, from 1957 to current date, can be converted to digital operation. The conversion requires hobbyist skills and some tools including a soldering iron. This chip can be used to convert any 1/32 scale slot car to race on the Scalextric Sport digital system as long as there is space for it to fit inside the car.
This is now the only available Scalextric retro-fit chip. This chip was originally intended for formula cars and other cars with very limited space inside the body. The C7006 chip was the larger "sedan" chip. However, both are functionally identical and Hornby finally figured out that a chip that will fit inside the smallest cars will fit into all the larger ones. Therefore, the C7006 was discontinued and C7005 is now the universal retrofit chip for the Scalextric system for non-DPR cars and other brands.
For Scalextric DPR cars, use C8515 Digital Plug-in Module.