We Found A Few Of These Out-Of-Production Ninco Cars And Have Them At A Very Special Price For One Week Only. Limit One To A Customer.
Ninco 55057 Camaro, Momentum Motorsports (C)
1/32 scale slot car. Camaro GT car raced in the Continental Tire series. Usual NINCO 1 mechanics, NC-11 motor, No interior makes it easy for digitalization. Great looking and running car for any home 1/32 track.
$54.99 $39.95
Save: 27% off
New Cars Coming Soon
The Thunder Slot Can-Am Lola T70 Roadsters Are Due In A Week So Pre-Order Yours Now.
Thunder Slot THCA00201 LOLA T70 CAN AM Dan Gurney #30—PRE-ORDER NOW!
Features : Triangular suspension type motor pod, adjustable front axle ride height, optional independant rotating front axles, optional traction magnet, super sticky rear tires, aluminum rear wheels, plastic front wheels, heat treated axles, bronze bushings, ultra smooth plastic pinion and setscrew plastic axle gear, T6 Torx Chassis to Body Screws, 21.500 rpm short can motor mounted at a 2.5 degree angle, adjustable body mounts.
Thunder Slot THCA00202 LOLA T70 CAN AM DANA Peter Revson #52—PRE-ORDER NOW!
Features : Triangular suspension type motor pod, adjustable front axle ride height, optional independant rotating front axles, optional traction magnet, super sticky rear tires, aluminum rear wheels, plastic front wheels, heat treated axles, bronze bushings, ultra smooth plastic pinion and setscrew plastic axle gear, T6 Torx Chassis to Body Screws, 21.500 rpm short can motor mounted at a 2.5 degree angle, adjustable body mounts.
Create Your Own Can-Am Lola T70 With This Unpainted White Thunder Slot Kit That Is Also Due Soon So You Can Pre-Order It Now.
Thunderslot THCA002K Lola T70 CAN AM White Kit – Gurney or Revson—PRE-ORDER NOW!
Features : Triangular suspension type motor pod, adjustable front axle ride height, optional independant rotating front axles, optional traction magnet, super sticky rear tires, aluminum rear wheels, plastic front wheels, heat treated axles, bronze bushings, ultra smooth plastic pinion and setscrew plastic axle gear, T6 Torx Chassis to Body Screws (drivers below), 21,500 rpm short can motor mounted at a 2.5 degree angle, adjustable body mounts
These Three New Slot.It Cars Are Due Late Fall But The Supply Will Be Limited So Pre-Order Yours Now. The Lola B12/80 And Audi R18 Are Completely New Bodies To Increase Your Options For Modern LMP Cars To Compete Against The Other Audis.
Slot It SICA39a Lola B12/80 – #31 – 24h Le Mans 2012—PRE-ORDER NOW!
Slot.it SICA39a Lola B12/80 – #31 – 24h Le Mans 2012
The Lola B12/80 is a completely new body to increase your options for modern LMP cars to compete against the Audis.
Thanks for shopping with us!
The Electric Dream Team
Warehouse phone: (310) 676-7600
Slot car technical information and help email:
Our warehouse is open to walk-in customers Monday through Friday 9 am to 4 pm.
Next time you’re in the greater Los Angeles area stop by and see us.
606 Hawaii Street, Unit B
El Segundo, CA 90245
We’re just minutes from LAX.